So, who am I?

So, a fleeting introduction for those who may have found this site by accident and have no idea who I am.

  • My name is, Ben and I am a freelance writer still plying a regular job for food and shelter in-between producing stories, (short and long,) for the amusement of myself and others.
  • I have toured around the world singing with a couple of choirs and plan to do it all again some day once my children have grown-up and left home.
  • I am currently using this blog as a way to keep motivated and continue working, (in a more refined way,) on the plethora of projects I’ve been flitting between for the past few years. So far it’s working and I intend to keep it that way.
  • Update: Since September (2012) I have mainly been using this to write short articles about things I like and want to share with similarly minded people. These include comics, art, writing and music. I’m still writing stories, but can’t share too many as I’m starting to get bits published here and there, though not quite, everywhere… yet.

I can also be found talking nonsense, here, and posting pictures of comics, etc., here.