
the muffled screams of a cluttered mind

Tag: twitter

Kickstart the Week, Preview: Peter Pan Comic

Renae De Liz is the illustrator of many gorgeous books, including The Last Unicorn and Anne Rice’s Servant of the Bones. She was also the driving force behind the gloriously ambitious Womanthology. So you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled across her new gem of a project thanks to a random follower (@PeterPanComic) suddenly appearing on my twitter feed. (This is why I love twitter).

Renae has already begun the preliminary groundwork (and more) required to adapt the stories of J.M. Barrie’s enduring character, Peter Pan, into a full graphic novel. She has enlisted her husband, the similarly, fantastically talented Ray Dillonon colouring/inking/lettering and design duties; and together they plan to rule the world! Or at least make a damn fine graphic novel worthy of your support.

You can find their official project blog, replete with sketches and character tags, HERE. And if you like what you see (why wouldn’t you?) you will want to bookmark it and keep a very close eye out for their impending Kickstarter project.

Naturally, I will be hyping this to the high heavens, but not just due to the talent involved. The initial character sketches and full colour images look wonderful. As a father, I would love to have a graphic novel of this quality to share with my kids. Still, even if I didn’t have my son and daughter to read this with, it promises to be a visually sumptuous adaptation of a timeless classic, and good art made with passion is always worth supporting.

Please, go and take a look for yourself. This won’t be the last time you’ll hear me mention it.

Technological Darwinism: The Age of Procrastination.

I, like a lot of people, spend the majority of each day procrastinating. It’s not sensible, but I do it anyway because it’s become too damn easy for someone as lazy as me not to distract myself. Twitter, web-comics, on-line games, youtube, facebook, livestream, forums. Oh, and porn.

The list of easy to reach digital distractions is endless. The proliferation of smart phones and free wi-fi spots has made it far too easy to fall into the creative void by offering us a constant supply of news, entertainment, art, drama and jizz. But there is a simple solution to all of this, the oldest in the book: self-control.

It’s one of those words that inspire fear and self-loathing in every elective internet junky. We know we all have this amazing ability to control our own actions, locked somewhere deep inside us, just waiting to get out and impose some form of order in our lives. But with so much information at our fingertips, so many possibilities to be watching or reading something we enjoy or, at least, have an active* interest in; the temptation to do what we want, rather than what we need, is always there.

School councils, government advisors, and all manner of officious no-marks, worldwide, have been scheduling meetings to share their concerns regarding this, inevitable, by-product of the information overload era for years. But they’re procrastinating to. No amount of closed-door emergency meetings or coffee morning grumblings can fix this. It is a social barrier that every individual must negotiate, and conquer, alone in order to reach their full potential.

In the vast majority of popular science-fiction, the working classes of the worlds, or universes, featured are so used to the amazing technologies surrounding them, that they are rarely swayed from the course of their everyday lives by a sudden urge to google the first thing that pops into their head. But that is fiction. Back here, amidst the economic and social turmoil of the leading quarter of the twenty-first century, we’re all looking for an escape; something to take our minds off the bigger, bleaker picture.

We have reached an age, as a species, where no amount of, good old-fashioned, bureaucratic think-tanks can save us lowly plebs from ourselves. We have access at a personal level to technology that can help to spread a revolution half-way across the world. But for every hacktivist, there are a million, moon-eyed, cat enthusiasts dribbling with glee at a picture of a kitten in a dress instead of sending that life-changing e-mail that could secure their dream job.

This is the dawn of technological Darwinism. Those with the resolve to avoid the ten hour youtube marathons and achieve their intended goals will thrive whilst the rest of us sink. As harsh as it may seem, it’s time to put the lolcats to sleep. Because, if you linger in front of your screen without purpose for too long, the torrent of white noise live-casting on your retinas will wash all your prospects away.

*(but not too active)

Passing Thoughts #2

Last night I decided, after hearing several people rave about how, “Amazing” they were, to give, Clash of the Titans and, Wrath of the Titans a fair chance. This was not an easy decision for me as, unlike many people as little as five years younger than me (I’m 28), I grew up studying the original Greek myths and have a respect for them that Hollywood, unsurprisingly, does not.

Still, I was bored and the effects looked to be pretty good considering the insane amount of CGI required. It turns out that having impressive CGI was a very good thing as the stories themselves… lets just say, I prefer to read my mythology.

These are not intended as film reviews. As the title suggests they are just passing thoughts, as posted direct to, Twitter as the credits rolled.


Clash of the Titans (2010)


Immediate Response:

Wrath of the Titans (2012)

Synopsis & Immediate Response:

Final Thoughts:

Weekend Update #1

My piece for, The Curiosity Cabinet (@Curiocabmag) was finally submitted with two minutes to spare. Iron Maiden fans may, or may not, be interested to note that the time was, Two Minutes to Midnight… last night. Anyway, as those keeping track from my previous post will have realised, life happened and things (work/sleep) were delayed. In the end, it was all worth it as I received a message from the magazine’s main editor, via Twitter, to say that she didn’t want the story to end and was curious (see that pun? Yeah, sorry…) to know what happened next.

I think she likes it.

This is good.

Anyway, I will post another update when the magazine goes live. I’m off to wade through masonry dust in an attempt to trap two pieces of bread in a toaster for breakfast.

I can’t help how macho that sounds, really. Hitting deadlines brings out my primal, hunter/gatherer instinct; gods help the foolish loaf that crosses me.


Another drive-by update today.
Firstly, I must apologise to those of you who do tend to check in quite a bit. Apart from my recent UK local elections piece, I’ve had less time than usual to update the site with anything of interest.
Currently our house is in upheaval due to an imminent full rewiring, so things may get worse before they get better again.
However, anyone keeping an eye on the twitter feed should have noticed that I have started using instagram recently [I finally have a phone that can use these things!]. So, whilst the written side may dip for a while, I’ll be  visual blogging random things that catch my attention.

Enjoy your weekend! – B